LadySports ::: Skarlett


"Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall."
– William Shakespeare

By Skarlett

Lucy Clayden’s recent remarks here at LadySports regarding 
her impending match against Skarlett for the EWW Ladies Championship 
has spurred Skarlett herself to reply.  In the interest of equal time, 
we now present her remarks.


Let me make one thing impecably clear.. I do not suffer 'False Prophets'... namely, Lucy Clayden. She's made no secret of shouting her less-than-eloquent mouth off at every opportunity.

I do not ask her forgiveness for injuring her a year ago; to ask to be absolved of sin is to admit to committing one in the first place. I do not seek forgiveness as it was deliberate. It was my goal... .a goal that I achieved. There is glory in reaching for the sky and fulfilling your dreams. That is what I was doing then; it is what I continue to do now.

She paints me as some sort of demonic force possessing the fans of EWW...trying to pervert and lead them into the darkness like some sort of macabre Pied Piper. When actually I am Extreme World Wrestling's poster girl for Working Hard, Striving to be the Best, To Forever be Learning, Adapting and Improving. I am the one who teaches the children who feel like they ‘don’t belong’ that its okay to be yourself! I am the one that inspires young women to reach for their goals and push back! All in all, if little Miss Sainted Clayden really believes half the imbecilic twaddle that waterfalls from her mouth, she would have no problem with me. But she’s a hypocrite, you see, so she can’t bring herself to really live the life she claims she represents better than anyone else.

Lucy Clayden believes she is the 'Shining Light' and she will 'save' EWW'S fans? Well, I will be the one to save them from her archaic, Medieval beliefs and massive ego.

One thing Lucy did get right... this match is about salvation! Clayden has been suffering with the deadly sin of ENVY ever since she debuted in Extreme World Wrestling. She seethed with envy that it was ME at the top of the pile... me, the leading lady of wrestling, the undisputed British Women's Champion, a truly worthy role model. Everything she wants for herself... but I will damned well make certain she never attains it! In other words, St. Lucy, I’m going to save you from yourself.

So I simply say this: Lucy Clayden... if you want the EWW British Women’s Championship, I'll see you May 14th In Hastings. But I will remind you of this... little lambs of God tend to get ripped apart when they stray into a hellcat's lair....



Photos courtesy of Skarlett