LadySports - PGWA - Tasha Simone Update



An Update on Tasha Simone

We received a call at the Special Events office on Thursday evening from Tasha Simone, who asked us to pass along to the fans the latest news of her injury and recovery (see the previous story for the details of her injury).

"After all the tests and such," she said, "I was simply too tired to do much of anything. Thanks so much for your thoughts and Emails! I simply have been too tired to answer. My doctor told me that I was a very lucky young lady, and that I could thank myself for not being hurt worse than I am, because of my dedication to staying in shape."

"My x-rays confirmed that I had no breaks or fractures, and my compressed vertebra are already starting to get back to normal, thanks to physical therapy and chiropractic sessions, but I am suffering bad migraines due to the compression," Tasha continued.

"My doctor's huge concern is the nerve that is pinched around the rhomboid/lat tie-in area, because that is what seems to be causing the loss of feeling in my arms. I also went through range of motion testing, and everything seemed to be normal, but rotating my arms caused me a great deal of pain in the mid portion of my back."

But now for a bit of good news..."My doctor told me that if I kept responding to physical therapy and chiropractic sessions, that he would consider releasing me as early as Labor Day weekend! My original injury happened on August 7, so I don't think that is too bad of a recovery time. If I hadn't been so hard headed to begin with, I would probably be in Mexico right now."

Keep up the good work Tasha, and your spirit seems to be getting your confidence back. We are still thinking about you and we're in your corner! Keep us posted on your progress.


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