55 hi res photos


Pippa L'Vinn vs Lisa King

55 Hi Res Photos

2500 x1167 55 photos

Just 4.99 as a download!

Just 8.99 on CD!


Pippa L'Vinn vs Lisa King

Lisa King seems to get under Pippa's skin... lately, more than ever.  

Recently had the opportunity to photograph a match where the 
two pros were rather civil to each other until one started to gain an advantage.

The two pros seem to respect each other before all of this bathing suit 
feuding began. This match had all the intensity you could ask for and then some.

55 photos with text descriptions by the 2 ladies involved.
N.B. These photos are free in the members area! Just 4.99 to download or 8.99 + 5 s&h for a CD.

Click here to download after purchase

Pippa L'Vinn vs Lisa King

Buy the photo CD! Just 8.99 & $5 s&h

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May 19, 2020